Education Coordinator:
Suzanne Greenwood
Office ________________
Cell _________________
Camera Crew __________________
Phone _________________________
Tillamook is a great town along Oregon's beautiful
coast. It is famous for the cheese factory (which also makes fantastic ice
cream). Good seafood restaurants can be found, just ask Suzanne. You
will enjoy your trip to Tillamook!
Best Western Inn, Tillamook...a good place to stay and convenient to the
site. The hotel might be a good place for Suzanne to meet the camera crew
and satellite truck and guide them to the site a few miles north.
Here is the site. It is just off the parking lot of an oyster packing
company. The company has a paved parking lot but we would like to position
the truck just off the parking lot on a road that runs a short distance down a
spit of land. All action will happen on this spit of land so only about
400-ft of camera cable will be needed.
Here is a view looking down the spit of land (note wheel ruts). This is
very solid and wide BUT you won't have to go far down it. Asphalt parking
lot is beside the building.
Here's a view (roughly) in the direction of AMC9. There are mountains
behind that fog but we figured that anything over 24-degrees was golden.
Pacific Oyster (the location)...a good place to buy some packed oysters for the
trip home.
This is Suzanne Greenwood, our show host and local producer.
In the event of catastrophic weather conditions the backup site is a community
center just a little ways from the primary site.
Here is the satellite view from the backup site. We DO NOT anticipate the
need for this site unless a storm with lightning is present. A decision
will be made well before you would need to set up in the morning.
Weather conditions are definitely changeable in Tillamook. Be prepared for heat, cold, rain, fog, wind or mud. About the only thing we can guarantee is no snow or ice.